Nace de la necesidad de elaborar un fanart diferente, mezclando dos cosas que me encantan: el cine y la música. La idea es simple, unir la estética de los afiches de cine, con la música y letra de canciones de diversos grupos; respetando solamente dos criterios: El uso de formas sencillas en la elaboración de las ilustraciones, y el de una paleta de colores específica; todo esto para crear una unidad entre cada uno de los diseños
Borns of the need to develop a different fanart, mixing two things that i love: films and music. The idea is simple, uniting the aesthetics of film posters, with music and lyrics of various bands, only respect two criteria: The use of simple forms in preparing the illustrations, and the use a specific color palette, all to create an unity between each of the designs.
Borns of the need to develop a different fanart, mixing two things that i love: films and music. The idea is simple, uniting the aesthetics of film posters, with music and lyrics of various bands, only respect two criteria: The use of simple forms in preparing the illustrations, and the use a specific color palette, all to create an unity between each of the designs.