Nos sumergiremos dentro de una extraña colección de organismos simbiontes, donde observaremos de manera mas detallada, cómo es que esta interacción biológica tan estrecha mantiene con vida a dos especies tan diferentes y notaremos que la supervivencia va mas allá de solamente sacar provecho el uno del otro, sino que existe algo más íntimo, algo más profundo que los mantiene unidos.
En esta primera parte nos concentraremos en cuatro de los parásitos mas comunes de los denominados "Hematófagos" que son aquellos organismos que se alimentan de sangre.
We dive into a strange collection of symbiotic organisms, where we see so more detailed, how come this close biological interaction keeps alive two very different species and we note that survival goes beyond just take advantage of each another, but there is something more intimate, something deeper that keeps them together.
In this first part we will focus on four of the most common parasites called "vampire" who are organisms that feed on blood.
En esta primera parte nos concentraremos en cuatro de los parásitos mas comunes de los denominados "Hematófagos" que son aquellos organismos que se alimentan de sangre.
We dive into a strange collection of symbiotic organisms, where we see so more detailed, how come this close biological interaction keeps alive two very different species and we note that survival goes beyond just take advantage of each another, but there is something more intimate, something deeper that keeps them together.
In this first part we will focus on four of the most common parasites called "vampire" who are organisms that feed on blood.